Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hi guys

Remember me? Yeah, it's been a while... I'm here to let you guys know that I did NOT die of sickness last year, LOL. Nope, I'm still here, but I totally abandoned this blog.

I think I'm gonna make a comeback here. Not really on a regular schedule, because I have way more other things to deal with, but I really need a space here where I can just write about anything. Now that all my other online projects have themes and such.

Particularly, I would like to vent some of my thoughts on the new movie God's Not Dead. Hopefully I'll actually write down a sort of review before I've completely forgotten what happened in the film. (I had the same problem with Grace Unplugged... planned a review, never did it.)

I honestly tried before to blog about things that weren't media (movies, books, music, etc.), but quite honestly, it was mostly forced. I feel like I express myself best through stories and songs. And if my goal with this blog is to share the real me, and this road that I'm on, I don't think I should exclude the musical, story-telling me from my writing.

So back to God's Not Dead... have any of you readers seen the movie yet? What did you think of it?

Regardless of my opinions on it (which are predominantly negative, unfortunately), I highly recommend that everyone go see it and form their own opinion on it. Despite everything, it was a great conversation starter. My dad and I talked about it the whole ride home from the theater; and where I live, that's a pretty long ride. :P

P.S. In case anyone wanted to know, I am doing great personally right now. God has been slowly but surely helping me grow in my faith and confidence, and I am in a much, much better place than I was a year ago. I will do my best to pray for all of you frequently, and I hope that you'll pray for me, too. The road of life is a long one, but it's worth it. So let's walk down together, and help each other out, okay? :)